Monday, November 1, 2010

Living things

Living Things:
1. can grow (in height, in mass, in size etc)
2. can reproduce (to ensure continuity of their own species, to prevent extinction)
3. can respond to changes (escape from danger, look for shelter and food, to look for a mate)
4. can move on their own freely (plants move toward the sunlight)
5. need air, food and water to survive

* these are the characteristics of living things. All living things must have all the characteristics to be a living thing.

Living things can be grouped into:
1. Animals
2. Plants - only group that makes its own food
3. Fungi - feed on decaying matter
4. Bacteria - can be seen with a microscope

Animals can be grouped into:
1. Mammals - feeds its young with milk, give birth to young alive (except platypus and spiny anteater which lay eggs), has hair as body covering.
2. Insects - exoskeleton, 3 body parts, 6 legs, one pair of antenna
3. Fish - has scales as body covering, lay eggs (except guppy, molly and swordtail which gives birth to young alive), breathes through gills
4. Birds - has feathers as body covering, has a beak, lay eggs

*not all eggs will hatch. Only fertilized eggs wil hatch into young.

Plants can be grouped into:
1. Flowering - bears flowers which becomes fruits. Reproduces by seeds
2. Non-flowering - does not bear flowers which means no fruits, reproduces by spores
(fern, mosses)

*Seeds only need air, warmth and moisture to germinate. NOT SUNLIGHT AND FOOD

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