Tuesday, October 26, 2010

English SA 2

Dear parents and kids,

The SA 2 ENGLISH will be in 2 days.
Some important pointers:

1. Go through the synthesis from term 1 to term 4.
- remember the commas and not to capitalise in the second sentence.

2. Remember the grammar strategies - present/past/singular/plural/continuous

3. Learn your spelling all over again from Term 1 to Term 4.

4. Be specific when you are doing your Note-taking.
- hall is hall but school hall is school hall so please be specific.

5. When doing vocabulary MCQ, eliminate the choices if you are unsure of the meaning.
Underline the key clues to help you identify the correct word.

6. When doing vocabulary cloze, read twice and look for contextual clues.
EG: ____________ at 10 am but ended the next day.
Before you can end, you have to start/begin

7. When doing comprehension, take note of the tenses. Do not lose marks because of grammar or spelling error.

I believe you will do well! All the best!

Ms Ang

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