Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things to note for CA 2

Hi Parents and Kids,

Just a few things to note for the CA 2.

- study all the spelling words from Term 1 to Term 3
- go through all your spelling worksheets especially the editing section

- go through your sharp revision cards
- go through your fractions worksheets especially comparing and ordering fractions
- Look through all the practice papers again

- revise on Materials especially the properties and types
- go through life cycle. Note the number of stages and the difference between the life cycle
- revise your diversity and living things again especially the types of animals

THat should be all for now!

Ms Ang

Reminders for Week 8

Dear Parents and Kids,

Please remember to do your e-learning tasks assigned to you on Thursday and Friday.
I have also assigned a new discussion for you and additional oral practice over the weekend.

1. E-learning task on 19/20 August 2010
2. Discussion on from 20 August 2010
3. Daily E-learning task from me
4. Oral Practice on E-learning from 20 August 2010
5. File in your worksheets and complete all corrections
6. Revise your work!

I will see you soon on Monday!

Love Ms Ang

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Help Needed!

Dear parents,

The children were told to bring their costumes in for the Sing Singapore for the past weeks. Someone has mistaken someone's else jeans as their own and brought it home. Could you please kindly check and see if your child has accidentally took it back?
It is a pair Levi's dark blue jeans. I have a T2000 size 12 jeans on hand. No one seems to claim it. Please kindly assist.

Miss Ang

Friday, August 13, 2010

Homework for Week 7

Dear Parents and Kids,

Below are the tasks for this weekend.

1. Science Practice A Booklet B
2. Math Fraction worksheet 4
3. Compo Phrases worksheet
4. Grammar worksheet 7
5. Oral discussion on
6. Oral Practice on
7. Lead assignments on
8. Compo writing for students who have not finished their work.
9. Sign review 5, Math practice 2 booklet A, spelling
10. corrections for item 10

Please note that separate assignments will be assigned on for friday, sat and sun. Students have to log in daily to be able to complete them.

Miss Ang